The Galactic Center peeks through trees bathed in campfire light.
Little girl takes part in the Women's March on January 21, 2017 in Los Angeles, California.
5 moons in total as Jupiter and its Galilean moons pass near our moon Luna.
Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver - in autumn.
In a rare cosmic event, Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth's horizon, appearing as a small black dot on the solar disk.
Sunset over Santa Monica, California.
Full Moon over Tampa Bay, Florida.
Dome Tent House in Joshua Tree lit purely by moonlight.
Flight over the American West.
Vocalist Tyler Lyle tuning his guitar at The Midnight's first live performance at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco.
Producer Tim McEwan on playback and synth at The Midnight's first live performance at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco.
The full moon illuminates an apartment complex that has lost its power.
The sun meets water and mountain and paints the Vancouver skyline with light
A lightning storm electrifies the skies of Southern Illinois